Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Swallowing Blood

with a yawn and a sigh I slid into the chair
the clip from the bib got stuck in my hair
two nurses asked if I wanted to be numb
"for a cleaning?" I asked, well that sounds dumb
four rubber hands held open my lips
my shoulders straddled by unknown hips

metal chiseled bone
florescent lights shone
and I swallowed my own blood

I could have used some rum
as they stabbed at my gum
but instead I just swallowed some blood

rinse and spit
now lay back down
rinse and spit
now lay back down

tongue dry
I began to cry
as I swallowed my own blood

cheeks tensed up in fear
Feliz Navidad droned in my ear
while I swallowed my own blood

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