Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Draughon Cronicles

I rarely learn as much in a span of 24 hours as I did when spending them with the dynamic Sisters Draughon.  As an evening with Maggie and Whitney unfolded, I found myself repeatedly baffled and amazed at the ideas that came from their charged minds.  And at my own kitchen table, no less!  I can't imagine if I'd had the complete trifecta, which would include the youngest, and I think we can all agree most enlightened, Kate. I will provide a list, which is abridged, that explains just a fraction of the phenomenon that is the collective brainpower of the Sisters Draughon.

. At the end of my days, will I be proud of what I have accomplished for the greater good, or will I be more proud of a family that I have created?  With this in mind, are there two types of people in this world?  Those who feel satisfied with their life in terms of their job or those who are content with what they have procreated?

. "Glee," when said in place of "yay" or "huzzah" is the new form of expressing excitement.

. Art as something not only at the Metropolitan, but also in the pallet that is everyday backdrops.  Color.  Texture.  A walk in Central Park can be a stroll through an art museum in itself.  

. Bean dip and Red Hot blue corn chips make an excellent gourmet snack.  So does Jamba.

. To jump in with both feet always and with every aspect of life.

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